Upcoming Admissions Travel Events

    Our admissions counselors are excited to meet you this year. Our counselors may be visiting your area in-person or virtually and listed below are some of these events. Use the search bar to filter and search the results or sort any of the columns by clicking on the title. For example, click on “Date/Time” to sort by the date and time.

    For more information, or to sign up for an event, either click on the link provided or consult your school counselor. As this list is subject to change, be sure to check with your school or contact our office at admissions@salve.edu or (401) 341-2908 for the most up-to-date opportunities to learn more about Salve Regina.

    Pro Tip:

    Another opportunity to get to know your counselor and share your story is during a one-on-one meeting or interview. Sign up by clicking on your admissions counselor’s scheduling link from the Meet Your Counselor page.